Industry — Ecommerce
Location — Sweden
  • eCommerce
  • Optimizely
  • React

It's always a great pleasure to work with well-known companies leading their niches, and becoming a part of a great story. This one is about how UKAD helped a leading Scandinavian hi-tech goods seller with over 40 years on the market. Scandinavian Photo, once started offering cameras and accessories, today has 140 employees, offline shops in Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Malmö and Borås, and SEK 900 million turnover.

UKAD SP Preview


Scandinavian Photo started a collaboration with UKAD in the late stage of the digital transformation. They already had an established and robust enough eCommerce platform, but required a touch of skilled developers to make it fancy, comfortable, and engaging. As well, it required some integrations to provide better services and retain customers. Then, we offered tech support services, because every good solution requires a professional developer's care after the release.

Services and Solutions

For Scandinavian Photo, UKAD provided staff augmentation services for more effective digital transformation. Our developer was involved in a large-scale redesign of the major website parts such as:

  • the header both for web and mobile versions with the update of their reactions on scrolling

  • deep upgrade of the navigation menu with the new structure of categories and subcategories

  • the Favorites tab with updated logic and design

  • updated Basket with new Accessories section and added effects.

Along with the design updates, we also took part in the logic improvement initiated to provide a better user experience and improve customer retention. Within this scope, integrations with Svea and Gamifiera were revisited to optimize shopping flow for existing customers. Navigations between markets also got new logic allowing link sharing. An updated Campaign page now supports block setup.

To integrate Invajo for advanced events management, a whole back-end system, new events block, and design were developed. Then, we conducted migration from the old event system. As Scandinavian Photo uses a chatbot, its tracking also was updated, so now it tracks successful deals.

Updating the checkout and the payment page was also an important part of the work because at this step customers decide to buy something additional and come back for another purchase. The payment page now supports blocks with messages (eg. calls-to-action), and the Basket is now available to share with other users or send via email. Then, there was an issue with adding to the Basket goods previously marked as presents. Now it is fixed and customers can add anything they want!

Another improvement in payments was an updated installment system. Now customers can see

  • the effective interest rate

  • how much of the total price is interest, 

  • total cost.

The last great update is the implementation of a feature that adds users to ERP if they are registered using ExtendaGO. Besides, there were some other less important improvements, such as the addition of breadcrumbs to the pages on which they're missing, and many others, done under support and maintenance.


UKAD SP Navigation
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UKAD SP Community
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Ic Quote

"UKAD’s efforts have increased user engagement and improved conversion rates. The team demonstrates strong organizational skills and adheres to the project timeline meticulously. They have a clear understanding of the client's business needs, ensuring that goals are aligned."

Oscar Levandowski Development Manager


As Scandinavian Photo hired UKAD to strengthen the existing team, it is a case of the work done perfectly and a real value added to the Customer's project. Despite the lack of space for creativity, this collaboration became a gem in the crown of UKAD's portfolio. So, the most valuable outcome of this project is a satisfied client and a positive review on Clutch! And if you're looking for a five-star worthy vendor for your project, fill out the form below.

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