Ic Idea

At UKAD, we understand that the retail industry requires a robust technological infrastructure to enhance customer experiences, optimize supply chain management, and leverage data-driven insights. Our team of experienced IT professionals is here to provide you with comprehensive solutions tailored specifically to your retail business needs.

How Retail Business Benefits from Digitalization

Whether you operate a brick-and-mortar store, an e-commerce platform, or a combination of both, our Retail Development Services can help you:

  • Ic Project Management

    Enhance Customer Engagement:

    • Personalized shopping experiences through customer relationship management (CRM) systems
    • Loyalty programs and targeted promotions to increase customer retention
    • Seamless integration of online and offline shopping channels for a cohesive omni-channel experience
  • Ic Project Launch

    Optimize Inventory Management:

    • Inventory tracking and forecasting tools for real-time visibility and better inventory control
    • Automated inventory replenishment systems to prevent stockouts and reduce carrying costs
    • Streamlined order management processes for improved efficiency and faster order fulfillment
  • Ic Agile

    Improve Operational Efficiency:

    • Point-of-sale (POS) systems with advanced features for faster transactions and accurate reporting
    • Inventory management and workforce scheduling tools to optimize staff allocation and minimize costs
    • Streamlined workflows and automated processes for better productivity and reduced manual errors

Our best retail pratice

We combine the power of technology with your retail expertise to create a seamless and efficient business environment. In today's competitive retail landscape, staying ahead of the curve is essential to attract and retain customers, streamline operations, and maximize profitability. Our tailored IT solutions are designed to address the unique challenges faced by the retail industry, empowering you to transform your business and thrive in the digital age.

UKAD SP Background

Scandinavian Photo

UKAD helped a leading Scandinavian hi-tech goods seller with over 40 years on the market. Scandinavian Photo, once started offering cameras and accessories, today has 140 employees, offline shops in Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Malmö and Borås, and SEK 900 million turnover.



Ginza is a family owned e-commerce project from Nossebro, Sweden. It is the oldest and probably the most famous online music shop in the country. After years of successful collaboration, our business relations with Ginza team grew into a close partnership.

UKAD Focusnordic

Focus Nordic

This project started as a part of a long-term collaboration with a branched structure of vendors and contractors. But later some conditions changed, so Focus Nordic decided to work with UKAD directly because our developers were already familiar with everything related to the project and met all the requirements.

Experience the Future of Retail