Business Benefits of eLearning Solution

UKAD's expertise allows us to get the best of eLearning potential. Our main purpose is to elicit and meet with all the business requirements.

  • Ic Global Market

    Reach new markets

    Expand your marketing influence with a digital presence. The eLearning platform is not limited to your school location, so you can reach clients globally.

  • Ic Easily Updating

    Extension of the course's list

    EdTech tools let you add new courses without spending extra resources on classrooms and teachers’ extra working hours.

  • Ic Feedback

    Easy courses testing and improving

    Release a new course and get fast feedback from your students’ focus groups.

  • Ic Cost Merit


    eLearning is an efficient approach to saving time and money while reaching new educational goals.

  • Ic Devices

    Smart technologies usage

    Smartphones, tablets, and wearable gadgets have widened the ways of information delivery and perception. eLearning integrates all the newest tech potential to achieve the best results.

  • Ic Accessibility

    Education with no limits

    EdTech makes education available for people with special needs.

Ic Idea

For 15+ years UKAD developed modern eLearning Solutions. We help Businesses to embody their educational projects in technical products that serve their business needs.

Our Customers' Success Stories

We are ready to create a service model that meets the unique goals for your project. Or choose from the prepared options.

  • 1
    Improve Educations 9

    Improve Education: learning Platform for fitness instructors and coaches

    Improve Educations is a Swedish cutting-edge eLearning platform developed by UKAD from scratch using Umbraco 8, Angular and other technologies.

    We successfully implemented the following solutions to meet our client's requirements: 

    • user dashboard with courses divided into Chapters and certificates
    • possibility to take the course exam 
    • video lessons with transcriptions
    • certificates generation with PDF templates using a user ID
    • built-in email distribution
    • user access to courses via special URL with a unique token
    • manager access
    • Klarna payment system.
    Check case study
  • Moblrn: microlearning app for employees

    Moblrn offers a smart and simple platform for creating micro-training programs to improve the skills and knowledge of employees.

    The platform was launched in 2016 and is tailor-made for education using smartphones. It is optimized for microlearning, a modern training method based on insights regarding effective learning. It’s effective for on-boarding-programs, product information, sales- and management training, and more.

    UKAD software house successfully created the digital products that allow the Client to launch and run the e-learning platform following the estimated time and cost scope. The idea of Moblrn turned into a popular and profitable E-Learning project. 

    Check case study
  • 3
    Mimir Test 8

    Mimir: testing and learning platform which measures your capacity to adapt and acquire new skills

    Mimir is the avatar of knowledge from Norse Mythology, whose name means 'the one who remembers'. As legendary Mimir was a source of Odin's wisdom, Mimir Test is a powerful cognitive trainer.

    Mimir Test successfully dealt with 20 thousand simulated test results, which were created during the testings, which means that it's robust enough to serve multiple users at one time. It also means the founder of Mimir Test is pleased with the UKAD's work

    Check Case Study

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