Design Services

In UKAD, we offer a full range of services creating the visual side of your project

  • Ic Ux

    User Experience Design

    UX design allows us to prescribe how users interact with the application. We discover why they do it, when and where, and aggregate and process this data to provide a seamless experience and perfect business impact

  • Ic Visual Design

    User Interface Design

    Quality User Interface design is about a keen eye and strong aesthetic sense, as well as an understanding of composition theory and accessibility. With all these skills, UKAD transforms a bunch of code into user-friendly products

  • Ic Branding

    Branding and Visual Identity

    For your product, we create an entire visual identity to make sure it is unique, recognizable, and attractive. Our design expertise covers every part of branding, including logos, fonts, even textures, so we create an entire identity

  • Ic Illustration

    Illustration and Icon Design

    The design of icons and illustrations is vital for a successful promotion. Building quality visualization, we're laying the groundwork for your marketing and PR, retention, and finally long-term relationships with users

How does our UX process looks like

Ic Project Basec Colab

1. Discussion

We discuss your specificities and requirement, set business goals and milestones for the project

Ic Research

2. Research

We analyze your business domain, user personas, competitors and their products, and try to predict users' behavior

Ic Ux Small

3. UX Design

We develop User and Job Story, Customer Journey Map, User Flow, Information architecture

Ic Validation

4. Design Validation

We create wireframes or clickable prototypes, according to the requirements, to evaluate the application's interface

Ic Visual Design Small

5. Visual Design

Then we design styles, colors, fonts, metrics, visuals, and tricks to bring your product interface to life

Ic Design Handoff

6. Development Handoff

Checking visual and technical parts in parallel helps us to make our work time-effective and productive

Tools we use

Our toolset lets us cover all the stages of the visual side of the project – from research, UX design, interface design to branding, prototyping and animation

Brainstorming and Design

These days simultaneous access and collaborative working on the file are crucial. We primarily use Miro for discussing design drafts, user-flows, wireframes, and other UX questions. Figma is our go-to when it comes to visual design. Sometimes we use Sketch for UI design. Illustrator is our icon design tool. And Photoshop we use sometimes for raster images.

  • Figma Logo
  • Miro Logo
  • Sketch Logo
  • Illustrator Logo
  • Photoshop Logo
Interactivity and Prototyping

For animation, we use Principle mostly, and for advanced animation – After Effects. If we do not use Figma for prototyping – in this case we go with third-party tools like InVision or Marvel.

  • After Effects Logo
    After Effects
  • Principle Logo
  • Invision Logo
  • Marvel Logo

Our Design Experience

Based on the experience, UKAD developed a robust approach and design practices. But we are ready to create a service model that meets the unique goals of your project

  • 1

    Primary industries we worked for

    Most of our projects are designed for the eCommerce and Healthcare industries. Among our eCommerce projects, there is a large music shop in Sweden, a tire provider in Denmark, and others. As per Healthcare projects, there are inner management systems for different dental clinics in the UK, a web application for prescription medicine services from the UK, and a web application for student mental health services in the US, etc. Many of our projects are under NDA, so, if you are interested, feel free to contact us for a design portfolio demo.

  • Service models and project types

    UKAD suggests variable design service models. We do love projects where we exclusively develop everything: from the first design sketch to development and support afterward. In this case, we can demonstrate best our whole potential and expertise: research, UX design, branding, and visual design. But many projects have a limited amount of time and budget available. We highly appreciate this type of project and we have an established approach for this project type.
    UKAD has experience in websites, web apps, mobile apps, tablet apps, and apps for people with vision problems. In UKAD we do love new experiences and we gladly accept challenges. Let’s start a collaboration!

    Depending on the case, the design service model might be:

    • Complete design project from scratch
    • Research expertise
    • Overall brand look and feel refresh
    • Responsivity design
    • Website facelifting
    • Adjusting template, components library, or identity elements
    • Icons and illustrations design
    Design Services

Our Design Principles

Due to our design principles we are able to serve different projects type – from the most complicated and large-scale ones to the templated and budget-saving ones

  • Ic Efficiency Openness


    Teamwork is one of our core values. We believe that the greatest products are born in smooth cooperation between competent people. That’s why we prefer to work with our clients in a collaborative manner

  • Ic Business

    Problem-Solving Approach

    Every lock needs the right key. We always strive to bring improvement to the projects we work on and to not waste the resources of the client. That’s why the essential question we are focused on what the problem we’re going to solve

  • Ic Consistency


    In creative work, it happens when you have to look for compromises – to save resources, provide a decent look and consider long-term consequences. In UKAD we pay careful attention to consistency and a systematic approach.

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Quality Assurance

Our Quality Assurance services are vital for the successful market launch of the product. During QA and testing, our skilled engineers find every bug and UX issue using both manual and automated approaches

Digitalize With Ukad

Digitalization Services

We have well-established development teams whose delivery isn't affected by the coronavirus, as well as any other crisis factors. With UKAD you will always get what you've expected!

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