Industry — Healthcare
Location — Bolton, UK
  • Web Development
  • Healthcare
  • .NET
  • C#
  • Vue.JS
  • Azure


The Customer is a leading holiday vaccine supplier with a mission to take the stress out of getting your holiday vaccines. With licensed clinics across the nation and same-day appointments available within an hour, you can be holiday ready in less than 24 hours.

Travel Vaccination Service


Our Client wanted to transform their vision into a modern digital product. To achieve the Customer’s business goals, we divided the project implementation into two distinct digital solutions:

  1. A public website for patients
  2. A comprehensive clinical system for full-cycle clinic management

After an initial discussion, we identified the following key requirements:

For the website:

  • Easy access to recommended vaccination information for worldwide destinations
  • A complete user guide on vaccines
  • Tools for continuous SEO optimization for site administrators
  • Easy clinic search and appointment booking

For the clinical system:

  • A system for managing the routines of the vaccination clinic, including:
    • Appointment management
    • Stock handling
    • Clinician consultation via chat and legal directions through document chat or web request


To successfully implement the required features and create the product, our team followed these technical steps:

For the public website:

  • Built a mobile-friendly platform from scratch
  • Created a CMS system with built-in SEO tools
  • Provided Google Maps integration for convenient clinic search
  • Implemented an appointment booking feature

For the clinical system:

  • Developed a variety of prototype alternatives to choose an optimal UX flow, leveraging our Business Analysis and Proof of Concept (POC) services
  • Created a scheduler for appointment management
  • Added a treatment management system with patient history and other details
  • Provided access to clinician consultation chat
  • Set up a user action system log for CQC compliance
Travel Vaccination Service 2
Ic Quote

"UKAD has a broad range of skills that allow them to handle any and all aspects of the project."


We have successfully created two interconnected products: a public website and a clinical system. The website offers general information about vaccines and vaccinations, assisting users in booking appointments at convenient times and locations.

The clinical system effectively manages the requests from users seeking vaccination services, such as those preparing for international travel. This system includes features for appointment management, stock handling, and clinician consultations, ensuring smooth clinic operations.

Our experience in building healthcare applications using .NET and Azure was instrumental in the project's success. The client chose UKAD due to very positive feedback from another client in the UK, and our initial Business Analysis and POC services ensured a well-planned and executed development process.

Additionally, we continue to support the application with our maintenance services, providing stability and ongoing satisfaction for the client. UKAD's comprehensive solution has not only enhanced the client’s operational efficiency but also fostered potential partnerships and long-term growth.

Technology stack



  • Send Grid
  • Xero
  • Twillio
  • Trustpilot

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