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  • Read more about the case study Focus Nordic UKAD Focusnordic
    • Retail
    • Sweden

    Focus Nordic

    5 mins

    By partnering with a nearshore development team, this project aimed to streamline operations and build a scalable eCommerce platform for a major Sweden photo and video equipment supplier, balancing performance with intuitive content management.

  • Read more about the case study TargetAid Targetaid
    • Charity & Non-profit
    • Stockholm, Sweden


    5 mins

    UKAD collaborated with a Swedish startup to develop Target Aid, a unique platform that streamlines charity campaign management. Using Umbraco, .NET, and React, the platform facilitates the creation of events and donation collections, enabling NGOs, companies, sports associations, and fundraisers to efficiently manage their initiatives and engage with supporters.

  • Read more about the case study Scandinavian Photo UKAD SP Backgr
    • Ecommerce
    • Sweden

    Scandinavian Photo

    5 mins

    It's always a great pleasure to work with well-known companies leading their niches, and becoming a part of a great story. This one is about how UKAD helped a leading Scandinavian hi-tech goods seller with over 40 years on the market. 

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  • Read more about the article Go in the .NET Company: How to Save Some Time Go In The .NET Hero
    7 mins

    Go in the .NET Company: How to Save Some Time

    And here it is, the moment has come. You are focusing on your work and coming up with 'definitely that' idea capable of solving the problem. And then, you start working on it. What could go wrong? Only the sound of an incoming message on Slack. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

  • Read more about the article Exploring the Power of Microservices Architecture Exploring The Power Of Microservices Architecture
    5 mins

    Exploring the Power of Microservices Architecture

    In the ever-evolving landscape of information technology, staying ahead of the curve is essential for any company seeking to provide innovative and efficient solutions. One such groundbreaking concept that has gained immense popularity is the microservices architecture

  • Read more about the article Re-developing React Native app with Ionic and Vue.js Ionic Vuejs
    5 mins

    Re-developing React Native app with Ionic and Vue.js

    This article aims to present an innovative approach to curbing the expenses associated with maintaining and enhancing outdated applications. As we are all aware, the regular update of mobile applications plays a pivotal role in their lifecycle. This practice not only maintains market relevance but also facilitates the integration of new features, ultimately enhancing financial performance. When the time comes for a much-needed update to your service, consider this strategy for potential improvement.

  • Read more about the article Why Docker Containers for .NET Are Great? Docker Preview
    7 mins

    Why Docker Containers for .NET Are Great?

    The question “is it worth to use Docker containers for Windows” is still valid. Due to Microsoft .NET had solved problems where containers rock in PHP and NodeJS worlds.

    So why should we use containers for .NET?

    There are several reasons...

  • Read more about the article Should I Use Firebase? Should I Use Firebase article
    6 mins

    Should I Use Firebase?

    Firebase is a web app development platform created by Google. It lets you develop the whole app on the front-end without any server-side code. At the same time, it does let you set up some server-side logic via Firebase Functions if you need to react to certain events (creation of data or files, login, https requests) so you can send emails or push notifications or process the data after it is written