Industry — Digitalization
Location — Sweden
  • Angular.JS
  • Umbraco 6
  • ASP.NET MVC (C#)
  • MS SQL Server
  • jQuery
  • AJAX
  • iOS application
  • CSS3
  • Html5
  • Mobile development

Whiteport app supporting both design and requirement specifications helps the team to be able to follow and work effectively together.

With Whiteport you get the perfect tool to gather and document your design process from sketches and mood board to finished design in one tool.

You will share, discuss, adjust and receive feedback from start to end.

App a start page
App inside
Ic Quote

"We've been working for five years and we never missed the deadline. I want to keep these guys forever working with me."

Mårten Angner Whiteport AB, Sweden

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