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Outsourcing to Ukraine

calendar icon 12 July 2017
clock icon 5 minutes read
Max Kukurudziak Qbc3zmxw0g8 Unsplash
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Outsourcing software development in Ukraine already has a 20-year history. The history starts with the removal of the Iron Curtain and formation of a new independent democratic country. In the legacy of the Soviet Union, Ukraine has obtained a strong scientific base and a huge entrepreneurial potential.

To date, the country operates 350 universities, 45 of which are located in the city of Kharkiv, including the Kharkiv National University, founded in 1805. The base for an education of IT-professionals in Kharkiv is formed by such universities as Kharkiv National University of Radio and Electronics, the National aerospace university "Kharkiv Aviation Institute", National technical university "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute".

Each year, the country is filled by 30 thousand young specialists in the field of IT. Ukrainian specialists have strong educational background, technical experience and good knowledge of foreign languages, especially English. We can fairly say that the education system of Ukraine in the IT sector is aimed at training professionals to work in foreign markets.

Availability of highly skilled professionals is not the only advantage of Ukraine as an outsourcing destination. Among other advantages of Ukraine as a country, it may be noted:

  • competitive salaries and costs;
  • short geographical distance;
  • negligible time difference;
  • visa-free traveling, the member of WTO;
  • similar culture and business understanding.

All these factors are largely responsible for the high interest in the Ukrainian IT companies as the outsourcing software development service providers. To date, approximately 70% of Ukrainian companies engaged in outsourcing. The USA and Western Europe are both well-established importers of software development services from the Ukraine.

Added in 2024

Despite the war, the Ukrainian IT sector keeps providing services and evolving. According to the research, even in 2022, which was the harshest year, companies primarily worked on saving the development capacity and keeping the working processes. Today, we see great prospectives, and constantly improve our technology stack, and quality of services.

Try Ukraine, try UKAD,  Be Satisfied!

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