Let’s admit it!
Covid – 19 has been front and center of our lives in 2020, wreaking havoc in both the offline and online world. When it comes to the offline world, lockdowns have become the new normal, people are being quarantined left, and right, businesses are shutting down, remote-working is in, a mask is mandatory, and so forth. In short, “anything that could go wrong in the offline world has gone wrong.” Yes, correct Murphy Law’s.
Thankfully, things are quite the contrary in the online world. Online businesses are blossoming to the point that handling orders have become a headache for the staff. Things are going out of stock quickly, especially for online stores dealing in healthcare products, grocery items, and their like. The shortages have prompted several online businesses to reinvent their supply chain. In short, anything that could go right has gone right in the online world.” Of course, that’s Murphy’s Law in reverse.
So, the point is, business is as usual in the online world, despite the Corona crises. In fact, online businesses are showing a significant growth trajectory. This is where IT staff augmentation need arises, as it’s not easy for businesses to take care of their staffing requirements and manage their business at the same time. Sure, there might be an in-house HR department and all to meet their staffing requirements, but IT staff augmentation services is a different ball game altogether. You can hire developers with expertise in specific technologies to manage particular tasks on a contractual basis and thereby augment the team’s overall capacity.