Is it safe to outsource long-term projects to Ukraine?

Wow, what a year 2016 was!

Brexit, US presidential election, and talks how it will impact on the technology world…

I think, we’ll touch this issue later, but now we want to take some local talk: about Ukraine and our hometown - Kharkiv.

In our last article Outsourcing to Ukraine, we already wrote about the reasons and benefits of outsourcing to Ukraine. So, let's touch another question:

Is it safe to give long-term projects to Ukrainian IT Development companies?  

Let's look:

1. The official data from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine talk: in 2015-2016 more than 23 millions of foreigners visited Ukraine for business or tourist purposes. Who're they? It's better to look for the infographic:

Ukraine Statistics Edit

2. As we wrote in our previous article: "Each year, the country is filled by 30 thousand young specialists in the field of IT" and as a result - annual Ukrainian IT market growth is 20-25%, even in the crisis period. 

3. Ukraine is in the Top 5 Countries with most certificated IT developers.

As for our hometown, Kharkiv is the second largest city in Ukraine,  cultural, scientific, educational, transport and industrial center of Ukraine, so you can imagine how many of those guys are in Kharkiv.

And it also great to tell you that Kharkiv is in top 3 safest and comfortable cities for living and working in Ukraine with the results of National Research.

Want to check? Welcome to Kharkiv!

  • development
  • business
  • Outsourcing to Ukraine
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